Reach communities with digital, print and web advertising.

Design your next marketing and communications campaign with a professional graphic and web designer of 7+ years. Explore Margaux’s services below.

Design for an inclusive, accessible and sustainable Toronto.


  • mobile-phone

    Digital Design

    Static — and animated — digital ads for social media, email and digital marketing.

    motion design
    HTML web banners
    social media paid ads
    email newsletters

  • sign-board

    Print Design

    Print and out-of-home (OOH) ads from small posters to big billboards.

    transit shelter ads
    exhibition graphics

  • open-book

    Report Design

    Accessible digital and print reports, publications and collateral.

    accessible PDFs
    annual reports

  • monitor

    Web Design

    Microsites and landing pages on Wordpress and Squarespace for small businesses and marketing campaigns.

    ~5 page microsites
    landing pages
    user interface (UI) design

  • cog-wheel

    Design Support

    Design support for teams, studios and agencies in marketing, communications and design.

    long-term contracts


Build Toronto’s arts and economy with:

City of Toronto
University of Toronto
Aga Khan Museum
RBC Wealth Management
Oxford Properties
Headshot of Margaux Parker by Samantha Jackson Photography.

As a client, you’re guaranteed:

  • Minimal and bold designs that meet best practices and accessibility guidelines

  • In-depth research, strategy and concept development that are tailored for your project and business goals

  • Fast response times with clear, structured and professional communication

Learn more about Margaux here

Invest in your project

Bring 7+ years of professional freelance and studio experience into your next marketing and communications campaign.

Each project is unique and deserves a tailored quote. Work with Margaux for a flat-fee per project or an hourly rate from 65 - 75 CAD depending on your project scope.

Get your tailored quote here


Hourly rates

65 - graphic design

70 - motion and accessible design

75 - web design

or a flat-fee per project


Start your project today



  • Each project is unique and deserves a tailored quote. Work with Margaux for a flat-fee per project or an hourly rate from 65 - 75 CAD depending on your project scope. Get your tailored quote here.

  • Yes! Margaux offers payment plans with two or more instalments depending on price and timelines — and your situation.

    Margaux also offers monthly retainers.


  • Yes! Margaux is available for:

    • projects with timelines of 3+ months; and

    • design support for teams, studios and agencies for long-term contracts at an hourly rate.

  • Margaux communicates via email between 8am - 6pm on weekdays. She is excited to meet you over a video call!

  • For design, Margaux uses Adobe Creative Cloud programs, such as InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects, Premiere Pro and XD.

    For website builders, Margaux uses Wordpress and Squarespace.

  • No, for custom-built websites, Margaux offers web design services and partners with web developers for web development!

  • Both! Margaux works as an independent freelance graphic designer and hires professional contractors for large project scopes.