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Work with Margaux

Headshot of Margaux Parker by Samantha Jackson Photography.

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  • Each project is unique and deserves a tailored quote. Work with Margaux for a flat-fee per project or an hourly rate from 65 - 75 CAD depending on your project scope. Get your tailored quote here.

  • Yes! Margaux offers payment plans with two or more instalments depending on price and timelines — and your situation.

    Margaux also offers monthly retainers.


  • Yes! Margaux is available for:

    • projects with timelines of 3+ months; and

    • design support for teams, studios and agencies for long-term contracts at an hourly rate.

  • Margaux communicates via email between 8am - 6pm on weekdays. She is excited to meet you over a video call!

  • For design, Margaux uses Adobe Creative Cloud programs, such as InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects, Premiere Pro and XD.

    For website builders, Margaux uses Wordpress and Squarespace.

  • No, for custom-built websites, Margaux offers web design services and partners with web developers for web development!

  • Both! Margaux works as an independent freelance graphic designer and hires professional contractors for large project scopes.